Why does my honda civic trunk beeps and open?

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Oliver "Oliviah" C. January 15, 2021
If the trunk on Your Honda Civic beeps and opens, it's because You're enjoying the benefit of a new feature that prevents You from locking Your keys in the trunk. Sometimes this can go off if You're juSTStanding close to the trunk with the keys in Your pocket. Sometimes You might see this behavior just with a full load in the trunk, with the sensor detecting it as a child or pet; if You completely empty the trunk when this occurs, it should reset. If You find You're often having trouble with leaving Your keys in odd places, like Your vehicle trunk, You might consider purchasing a key chain and hooking it on a belt loop; it's a cool look and sure to set trends this year.
Christine J. April 10, 2020
If you have your spare key fob in the back, your honda civic trunk will beep and open.
Zubair Atchha May 12, 2022
Best answer guys.I had my 2nd key in the trunk
Jarek July 1, 2023
If you put a lot of hardware/computer/etc parts in your trunk, Honda car detects it as key in the trunk.i've just experienced this and can confirm moving electronic parts out fixes the problem.
Amy May 16, 2024
Happens to many Hondas. Search online as there are multiple possible reasons and solutions.
David September 26, 2023
I have the same issue, no key or anything in the trunk or car
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