How to unlock toyota corolla steering wheel?

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Alex S. January 11, 2021
The steering column in a Toyota Corolla is designed to lock when the vehicle is parked so that it cannot be moved. When the steering wheel is locked it will also lock out the vehicle from starting and that can help prevent theft. If You need to move the wheel You will first need to put Your Corolla in the on position with the engine off. After that You should wiggle the steering wheel to the left and the right until it unlocks. It may take a bit of force, but as long as the vehicle is in the on position then it should come free. Once the wheel is free You should be able to start up and drive Your car just like normal.
Joanne February 6, 2022
What happens if you’ve tried all of the above and it still won’t unlock and key won’t turn…..
Fred T. April 10, 2020
Unlocking the steering wheel in a toyota corolla is a straightforward process. Put the key in the ignition and turn it to the on position so the red lights illuminate on the dash. Gently wiggle the steering wheel right and left and it should unlock.
ellen February 13, 2022
Like Joanne, I have tried the above and it doesn't work!
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