What's the 2008 mercedes c300 headlight fuse location?

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Oliver "Oliviah" C. February 3, 2021
The 2008 Mercedes C300 headlight fuse is located in the fuse panel box in the engine compartment. You'll find a diagram for Your particular trim on the print-out sheet within the box, though it's likely to be the No.4 fuse, and 20 amps. If Your head lights aren't working, and You've checked the most obvious thing --- the bulbs --- then something else You should look at are the ballasts. These tend to actually fail almost as often as the bulbs. If You've replaced those, verified the fuse is good, and also checked the wires for proper connection as well as making sure they're not compromised, Your next move is the ballast assembly.
Donna J July 16, 2020
The 2008 mercedes c300 headlight fuse is located in the fuse panel under the hood.
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