How to open trunk on vw Beetle convertible?

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Ryan S. February 4, 2021
To open the trunk in the VW Beetle convertible You can do one of the follow three things such as Press and hold the hatch button on the key fob, quickly press the unlock button on the key fob, or open one of the vehicle's doors. After You perform one of these steps the trunk will be unlocked for approximately 30 seconds. You can then go to the rear of the vehicle and open the hatch using the Volkswagen emblem. The auto-locking feature is used to make sure the drivers do not accidently leave the trunk unlocked and it opens while in motion. When You close the trunk it will automatically lock to make sure it does not open when You are driving the vehicle.
Charles V July 30, 2020
To open the trunk on a VW Beetle convertible you just need to press the trunk release button on the key fob.
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