How do I reset my 2017 chevy malibu oil light?

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Marie B January 4, 2021
Resetting the oil light on a 2017 Chevy Malibu is a very simple task, and it will only take You between 5 and 12 minutes to accomplish. The first thing You will need to do is go to the driver's side of Your vehicle, open the door, and get inside. Next, place Your key in the ignition, and turn it until it hits the on position. Be extra careful at this point that You do not accidentally start the engine. Now, push the odometer reset button on Your dash. Press it a second time, but this time, hold the button down. The light will begin to flash continuously. Press the button one more time, quickly, and the light should disappear from Your dash. It has now been reset.
Louis S. April 11, 2020
Turn the ignition on but don't start the engine. Press the accelerator to the floor 3 times in 5 seconds. The oil light will flash and reset.
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