How do i perform the 2017 VW Golf oil reset?

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Oliver "Oliviah" C. February 1, 2021
I'm going to assume that You've already changed out Your oil with some synthetic SAE 5W-30 and You're not just clearing the service light because it's annoying and You're sick of it in Your face. Let's make it disappear for another 5,000 miles. Sit down in Your vehicle (this is kind of tough to do remotely) and turn Your key to the ON position, but don't start the vehicle. Bring up the Settings menu, and then select the Service submenu item on it. You'll see an option for Reset there. Select that, and press OK. You'll have a prompt to confirm, which You should press OK again to do. Now, turn off the ignition; when You turn it back on, the reset service light on Your 2017 Volkswagen Golf should have gone away.
Reyes V July 16, 2020
To reset the 2017 vw golf oil light turn off the vehicle, press and hold the 0,0 button, turn the ignition to the on position with the engine off, then release the 0,0 button, then press and release the clock minute set button labeled min and the system will be reset.
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