Does the ford mondeo xr5 turbo have problems?

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Ryan S. January 5, 2021
Common problems that have been reported by consumers of the Ford Mondeo XR5 Turbo are high pitched noises from high oil consumption, increased oil pressure, coolant leaks check engine light on with no error code displayed. Some of the symptoms of the issues are overheating, mIS Fire when cold, and excessive white smoke. The coolant leaks will usually be around the thermostat housing at the cylinder head side gasket. These issues are usually reported on higher mileage vehicles of 100,000 miles or more. If following the service maintenance guidelines You will keep most of these issues from happening. This will also depend on the model and year as some of the newer models have resolved these types of problems from happening.
Eboni M. April 10, 2020
Some issues concerning drivers of the ford mondeo xr5 turbo are high pitched noises, high oil use, high oil pressure and check engine light coming on for no apparent reason.
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